LMS Performance Reporting and Analytics Across Your Learning Initiatives

Understand your learning business impact with Thought Industries reporting hub.

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Uncover Your Site Engagement

Monitor your learning site to pinpoint areas of strength and room for improvement. Get a clear understanding of your web traffic and content engagement.

  • Enrolled Learners
  • Site Visits
  • Time per Visit
  • Page Views Over Time
Reporting hub- uncover your site engagement
Dive deep into your financial metrics

Dive Deep into Your Financial Metrics

Identify metrics such as customer acquisition, conversion rates, average order value, and cart abandonment to discover potential within your learning initiative.

  • Course Transactions
  • Business Model Performance
  • Transaction History

Measure Your Overall Performance Reporting

Go deep into your learning initiative for granular reporting by learner, content, course, or action. Reports are highly flexible and can be exported for more detailed analysis.

  • Course Progress
  • Content Engagement
  • Assessments
  • Testimonials
  • Awards, Certificates, and much more
Performance Reporting Summary Example
Provide Learner Insights with a Learner Dashboard

Provide Learner Insights with a Learner Dashboard

Provide learners with insight into their site usage with the Learner Dashboard. This shows them where they stand within their learning.

  • Completed Courses and Current Progress
  • Time-Spent
  • Certificates
  • And more

Create Highly Customized Reports With BI Connector

Bring your learner data into scope with your greater business by connecting to your Business Intelligence (BI) tool. This provides your raw learner data into a PostgreSQL database from which the data is pulled into your BI Tool.

  • Connect to Your BI Tools
  • Highly Customized Analysis
  • Value in Scope
Create Highly Customized Reports with BI Connector