What is Extended Enterprise Training?

Hand on a computer mouse
Thought Industries
August 2, 2017

The extended enterprise is a concept that suggests an organization does not operate in isolation but is dependent on a network of relationships with other organizations and individuals outside of the core organization. Each constituent is an important contributor to the business and its success.

Extended enterprise training is the process of educating the entire extended enterprise network — partners, customers, resellers, external audiences, etc. — on software and business processes. Training of this nature streamlines your organization’s ability to onboard and sell, therefore accelerating a go-to-market strategy.

How Online Learning Helps Extended Enterprise Training

  • Deliver Multi-Tenant Training: Using online learning technology eliminates the need to travel from partner to partner and reseller to reseller. Use an online environment to create, deploy, and manage training programs to multiple constituents from a single online platform and interface. Within the online learning platform, your organization can also track progress and proficiency by cohort.
  • Manage Content Distribution: Using online learning technology to manage and deploy content to specific groups will help you create relevant learning experiences. Consider targeting content based on role, proficiency, need and more.
  • Create Custom Branded Learning Portals: Online learning technology can help your organization create highly customized learning portals for each group or organization you interact with. Manage their visual themes, build pages, and customize the end-to-end user experience for each group.
  • Easily Create Content and Courses: Leveraging web-based authoring tools within your online learning technology will help your organization create interactive learning experiences for the entire extended enterprise. Utilize content types like webinars, videos and short-form microlearning, and features like learning pathways, certificates, and badging.
  • Award, Reward and Certify Learners: Utilizing awards and gamification features within an online learning technology will help your organization boost engagement and retention. These kinds of features will also help you add value to an extended enterprise training program by delivering certifications to learners.
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