5 Questions to Ask When Evaluating Online Learning Technology

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Thought Industries
July 19, 2017
The right content distribution and licensing strategy — paired with the right suite of learning tools and technology — can enable businesses to create unique learning experiences and distribute them to different groups of learners. When your organization starts to evaluate online learning technology, start by asking these five questions.

What to Ask When Evaluation an Online Learning Technology

    1. Does your current learning technology facilitate licensing? There are hundreds of learning technologies in the world, most designed to be used internally for managing corporate training and education. Look for an online learning technology that also provides the feature set that makes the licensing of learning experiences possible.
    2. Can your online learning technology handle monetization? Make sure your learning technology can accommodate commerce such as transactional sales, licensing, discounts, coupons, and product bundling.
    3. How flexible are your learning options? Confirm that your learning technology lets you control start and end dates for content access, bundling of courses, and learning environment formatting so that your learners and B2B organizations get the custom experiences they’re seeking.
    4. Will your learning technology let you customize content permissions, depending on what they’ve purchased? Some of your B2B customers may license a single learning course while others seeking enterprise distribution will want access to everything your organization has ever developed. Seek an online learning technology that enables your customers to search by tags, for example, or set up personalized learning programs that fit the needs of their wide range of learners.
    5. Does the learning technology provide multiple layers of management and reporting? First, make sure your learning system can handle multiple roles. Each role will have their own reporting requirements. The licenser of the content — your organization — will want to monitor activities across all of your organizations. The organizations you license learning content to may want to track who within the organization has completed the training, how far along they are, and how engaged they are. Finally, each individual learner will want to track their own progress.

Before investing in an online learning technology, ask the five questions above and assess which are important to your organization’s success and scalability. If licensing, administrative roles, and reporting are important to you, make sure your online learning technology meets those standards.
Thought Industries created the Learning Business Platform™ to set itself apart from the typical course management offerings that dominate the market by providing a solution focused more on the business side of learning. Learn more about the platform’s different features — included all of those listed above — by requesting a demo today.

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