Eloqua Integration


To send information to Eloqua on events such as page views, content completions, and ecommerce purchases, just follow the following steps:

  1. Retrieve your Eloqua site ID.
  2. In Settings > Tracking Scripts, add the following scripts in the designated areas.

Header Scripts

Replace “siteId” below with your Site ID retrieved in step 1:

<script async type="text/javascript" src="https://img.en25.com/i/elqCfg.min.js"></script>
var _elqQ = window._elqQ || [];
_elqQ.push(['elqSetSiteId', 'siteId']);

Sending Page View Events

To send an event to Eloqua whenever a page is viewed in Thought Industries, add the following script to “Page View Scripts”:

var _elqQ = window._elqQ || [];
_elqQ.push('elqTrackPageView', window.location.pathname + '?' + $.param({email: '{{email}}', firstName: '{{firstName}}', lastName: '{{lastName}}'}));

Sending Ecommerce Order Events

To send an event to Eloqua whenever an order is placed in Thought Industries, add the following script to “Order Confirmation Scripts”:

var _elqQ = window._elqQ || [];
_elqQ.push('elqTrackPageView', window.location.pathname + '?' + $.param({email:
window.currentUser.email, firstName: window.currentUser.firstName, lastName:
window.currentUser.lastName, orderAmount: {{totalInDollars}}}));

Sending Content Completion Events

To send an event to Eloqua whenever a course is completed in Thought Industries, add the following script to “Order Confirmation Scripts”:

var _elqQ = window._elqQ || [];
_elqQ.push('elqTrackPageView', window.location.pathname + '?' + $.param({courseTitle: '{{courseTitle}}', email: '{{email}}', firstName: '{{firstName}}', lastName: '{{lastName}}'}));