Shooting High-Quality Video For Online Courses (On a Budget)

Camera lense
Barry Kelly
January 20, 2017

Our clients often ask us for information on how to shoot high-quality video for online courses and learning experiences. Some organizations already have large internal video production teams, some have smaller operations, some outsource to production teams, and others are brand-spanking-new to the game — and weighing the pros and cons of a DIY approach.

For organizations that want to create high-quality videos on a budget internally, there are many options today. To assemble what we consider the best information in this area, we need to look no further than our neighbors and partners in Cambridge, Massachusetts: Wistia.

From their awesome online learning library, we assembled the cream of the crop of how-to videos. These are very well done and offer a treasure trove of information on how to shoot great video by yourself at low-cost. From lighting to equipment to audio, we assembled them in order of importance to take you through operating a camera, managing lighting, finding or building a set, and capturing quality audio.
We hope you find them helpful.

For more great information on video related information, visit Wistia’s blog.

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